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Ok does any one know How long it usually takes for your site to show up on the web after you hit publish?? I have hit publish a few times now and for 2 day's it still say's my site is under construction. Why is this does any one know and does every body's site take for ever to publish and update?????

Re: Publishing

I see your site just fine. For the Website Wizard, publishing is just the act of writing your Wizard files to your web site. This happens very quickly. Depending on the size, it might take 5 minutes, maximum. Once your files are on your site, they are available to the internet immediately.

The reason you don't see it immediately is usually caused by your browser cache. When you view your site, after any changes (publishing), make sure you force a couple of Browser refreshes (F5 or Ctrl-R). This will force your browser to get fresh data from your web host. You may also need to go into your browser's configuration and get rid of your temporary internet files.

Then configure your browser to update it's cache more often and hold onto less data. This may have the effect of making your internet access seem a little slower. But it will help with viewing your web site changes.