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frames not appearing

My page with frames doesnot appear. Is this standard in bravehost or am i doing something wrong.

My page is and the code is

Re: frames not appearing

you are doing something wrong

frames are NOT SUPPORTED with the free site

so either UPGRADE or do not use frames

Re: frames not appearing

Actually, frames pages not appearing on Bravenet is pretty standard. That is, when the user is on a free site, and their frames page doesn't have a section.<br /> <br /> The Bravenet advertisement code, keys on your <body> tag to know where to insert the ads. But frames based sites don't have <body> tags, and need to satisfy this need by including a <noframes> section, after the main <frameset>. Without it, the ad banners supply the complete <body> section, disabling the display of your <frameset>.<br /> <br /> But even if you did add a <noframes> section, after your <frameset>, Bravenet will place an ad banner in each and every frame. This will generally ruin a frames based site. Rebuild your site without frames or iframes, or move to a web host that allows you to suppress ad banners, on free sites that use frames. There are such hosts.</p></p> <div class="bn-forum-thread-links-date"> <div class="bn-forum-thread-links"> <i class="bn-icon bn-icon-home-2"></i> <a href="" style="n color: #666666">Website</a> </div> <div class="bn-forum-thread-date">Aug 21st, 2007 - 4:37 AM</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> Bravenet.jQuery(function(){ var emojiConvert = new EmojiConvertor(); emojiConvert.img_set = 'emojione'; emojiConvert.img_sets.emojione.sheet = ''; emojiConvert.allow_native = false; emojiConvert.use_sheet = true; emojiConvert.init_env(); Bravenet.jQuery('.bn-forum-threads-post-comment').each(function() { var replaced = emojiConvert.replace_colons(Bravenet.jQuery(this).html()); replaced = emojiConvert.replace_emoticons(Bravenet.jQuery(this).html()); Bravenet.jQuery(this).html(replaced); }); }); </script> <div id="forum_message_725599" class="bn-forum-row"> <div class="bn-forum-threads-post-author"> <a name="bn-forum-post-725599-1453609281"></a> <div class="bn-forum-avatar-2" style="background-color:#a12c32">e</div> <div class="bn-forum-name"><a id="threadlink-725599" class="bn-forum-thread-link" rel="history" href="show.php?usernum=1453609281&cmd=search&searchby=user&searchfor=Eric&cp=0&frmid=26"><span title="Messages from this User">Eric</span></a></div> <div class="bn-forum-date">Aug&nbsp;22,&nbsp;2007 - 10:22AM</div> </div> <div class="bn-forum-threads-post-comment"> <div class="bn-forum-message-title"> <div class="post_reply_buttons"> </div> <strong>Re: frames not appearing</strong> </div> <div class="bn-forum-message-body"> <p>This has helped me resolve my issue with the same problem. I didn't read anywhere that frames were not allowed within the free web hosting. Especially since my site has been up for a week. And now that i've sent all my family and friends the link, the page does not show up because im using frames. Great! Just Great! :(</p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> Bravenet.jQuery(function(){ var emojiConvert = new EmojiConvertor(); emojiConvert.img_set = 'emojione'; emojiConvert.img_sets.emojione.sheet = ''; emojiConvert.allow_native = false; emojiConvert.use_sheet = true; emojiConvert.init_env(); Bravenet.jQuery('.bn-forum-threads-post-comment').each(function() { var replaced = emojiConvert.replace_colons(Bravenet.jQuery(this).html()); replaced = emojiConvert.replace_emoticons(Bravenet.jQuery(this).html()); Bravenet.jQuery(this).html(replaced); }); }); </script> <div id="forum_message_726063" class="bn-forum-row"> <div class="bn-forum-threads-post-author"> <a name="bn-forum-post-726063-1453609281"></a> <div class="bn-forum-avatar-2" style="background-color:#e09113">p</div> <div class="bn-forum-name"><a id="threadlink-726063" class="bn-forum-thread-link" rel="history" href="show.php?usernum=1453609281&cmd=search&searchby=user&searchfor=Peter&cp=0&frmid=26"><span title="Messages from this User">Peter</span></a></div> <div class="bn-forum-date">Aug&nbsp;25,&nbsp;2007 - 5:17PM</div> </div> <div class="bn-forum-threads-post-comment"> <div class="bn-forum-message-title"> <div class="post_reply_buttons"> </div> <strong>Re: Re: frames not appearing</strong> </div> <div class="bn-forum-message-body"> <p>Its in the comparison between free and paid sites.<br /> <br /> I am really surprised to see this problem coming up as the use of frames has been totally discredited for so long. You must have been using a tutorial from the 1990s.</p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> Bravenet.jQuery(function(){ var emojiConvert = new EmojiConvertor(); emojiConvert.img_set = 'emojione'; emojiConvert.img_sets.emojione.sheet = ''; emojiConvert.allow_native = false; emojiConvert.use_sheet = true; emojiConvert.init_env(); Bravenet.jQuery('.bn-forum-threads-post-comment').each(function() { var replaced = emojiConvert.replace_colons(Bravenet.jQuery(this).html()); replaced = emojiConvert.replace_emoticons(Bravenet.jQuery(this).html()); Bravenet.jQuery(this).html(replaced); }); }); </script> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { var desired_width = 940 - 260; $('.bn-forum-message-body img').bind('load',function() { if($(this).width()>desired_width) { $(this).attr('width',desired_width); } }); })(Bravenet.jQuery); </script><!-- Bravenet Forum Layout End --> <div class="bn-forum-footer"> <div class="bn-mobilenav" style="display:none;"> <a onclick="javascript:history.go(-1);">&laquo; back</a> </div> <div class="bn-forum-breadcrumb"> <a target="_self" href="">Return to Website</a><span class="bc-separator" style="font:12px Arial,sans-serif;">&nbsp;&nbsp;></span> <a href="show.php?usernum=1453609281&frmid=26">Index</a> </div> <div class="bn-forum-timezone"> <!--All times are GMT--> </div> </div> <div class="bn-branding-adplacement"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"> (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('.bn-forum-row:last').addClass('last'); // Bravenet.jQuery('*[title]').simpletooltip({ // 'position': 'top', // 'background_color': '#000', // 'border_width': 2, // 'border_color': '#222', // 'arrow_width': 6 // }); }); })(Bravenet.jQuery); </script> </div> <br style="clear: both;"> <div class="clear"> </div> <!-- <FOOTER> --> <div id="footerWrap"> <div id="footer"> <ul> <li class="first"><a href="">affiliates</a></li> <li><a href="">resources</a></li> <li><a href="">terms/privacy</a></li> <li><a href="">about bravenet</a></li> <li><a href="">advertising</a></li> <li><a href="">partners</a></li> <li><a href="">contact</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="">sitemap</a></li> </ul> <div id="copy">all contents copyright 1997-2009 Bravenet Web Services Inc.</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- </FOOTER> --><br><br> <div id="bn-dialog"></div> </body> </html>