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Welcome to the Tweedbank Online Forum. Please feel free to leave a query on a subject relevant to Tweedbank & The Borders only. Thank You.

Tweedbank Online Forum
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I have not looked at the forum for some time now due to difficulties with my web security settings but I see some very interesting issues have been raised and I would like to make the following observations.

Newsletters – I published a newsletter in August 04 and April 05 and they are both available to be seen on this site. A special letter which will be delivered to you at the weekend is also on this site and the next proper newsletter will be published in August.

Tweedbank in General – I am out and about in Tweedbank every single day and regularly walk round the village. I have numerous meetings in Tweedbank and am a regular attender at all of the main local meetings such as the Community Council, House Committee, School Board and a variety of other meetings which take place. For the avoidance of any doubt I have listed my contact details below:-

Here are my contact details:

(01835) 826571(Office)
(Weekdays 8.45am to 17.00pm)

(01896) 756558
Tel/Fax (Home)
(Probably answer phone which is checked twice a day)

If you would like to contact me during the day, please phone the office number and if I am not available I can assure you that Susy Ross will be able to deal with your call.

Doorstep Visits – I have not carried out doorstep visits for a number of years now but I do intend to visit everyone again during the first half of 2006. As well as looking after Tweedbank I now have to attend lots of meetings Borders wide and am out most days, nights and weekends so it can be difficult to fit everything in.