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The Delaware Valley's

"Most Progressive"

Independent Artist's

Connection Matrix NJ-PA-DE

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The Delaware Valley's

"Most Progressive"

Independent Artist's

Connection Matrix NJ-PA-DE

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Steve Langendork - "Man-O-Toilet"

Steve, it's easy to hide behind your keyboard, you pussy whipped little bitch. If you hated your "last band" so much, why do you talk about them constantly, including your big tear-jerking tribute at your wedding? You really need to let it go, dude. Move on with your life. You were kicked out because you couldn't cut it. You can't learn any songs without a tablature book, you can barely tune your bass, and you completely don't understand the role of the bass in a band. You spend more time putting on your gay ass makeup and talking about how "metal" you are than you do playing your bass. You are basically the definition of a total poseur. Everyone in your "last" band contributed to the songwriting except you because your "songs" are basically 3 note riffs that a child could write and aren't even remotely in any key. I didn't think it would come to this, but you are WAY too bitter about everything. Here's my email, stop hiding - Action speaks louder than words, so shut the fuck up and stop being a little bitch.