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finding site

I can nit find my site after i make it. It tells me it can not find the page

Also it will not put a picture in for me
Thank you

Browser: yes

Re: finding site

Well that's one heck of a URL but I had no problem getting to it. Your problem could be due to the inherent DNS delay when you initially set up your domain. Sometimes it takes a while for everything to work. This may also be caused by your browser. Try deleting your Temporary Internet Files and then refresh the browser. You may be seeing a old page out of memory, rather than your site.

It looks like your site was created with the Website Wizard. You will need to use the Website Wizard to insert a picture. First, log into your Bravenet account and navigate to the Website Wizard. Once there, click on the link that says Edit Your Pages. This should give you a listing of your pages. Select Edit Page for the page you with to edit. Scroll down to the section where you want the image and click on where you want to insert the image.

Just above the section you should have a toolbar with a icon that says Image. Click on the icon. By default, all pictures go into a folder name myPictures. If you don't have any there you will need to upload it first. There should be a link for that. Once it is uploaded there should be a list of image(s). Select the one you want. You should get a preview of the image with a link at the bottom that says Use This Image. Click on it and you will be taken back to the editor.

Then, save all of your changes, and publish all of your pages. Done. Once you go through it a few times it's pretty simple.


I got this problem too, but then with my password and username. If I want to enter my site, I must type a username and password. This is normal, but if I login he can't find the page. I really need some help...

Browser: ,3

Re: Re:

Forget to say that I am talking about the password gate. The url is not correct.

Browser: ,3