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Re: can an IP address be blocked from viewing site or classifieds?

Thanks, Peter. That make sense.

Re: can an IP address be blocked from viewing site or classifieds?

I have found that "Statcounter" provides excellent visitor information which helps in identifying site visitors and differentiating between actual visitors and webbots. Below is an example of a visit to one of my sites by a crawler: (Google Inc) [Label IP Address]

Re: can an IP address be blocked from viewing site or classifieds?

If your site is being visited by a reputable search engine, such as Google or probably even Yahoo! or MSN, you should see fetches of your robots.txt file in the log, from the IP address you were thinking about blocking. And yes, if your host allows you to set up your own .htaccess file, you can block IP addresses, either individual addresses or ranges.