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Re: Entering data into the php database

it may be a mysql database.
The code will be something like this:

$q=mysql_query("insert into table_name (columns) values (data)");

read some mysql tutorials

Re: Entering data into the php database

I have but they dont make any sence to me.

Re: Re: Entering data into the php database

Database management and SQL are serious technical skills which require a study and experience. I am afraid that you need to take the time and effort to learn them. If you really can't hack it (not everybody can) then either hire an expert or try something else.

Re: Re: Re: Entering data into the php database

Ok thare is one other thing I need to know. Yesterday while setting and sizing photos which I had just uploaded to my image basket. I found that the photos where not right side up. In the free form wizerds, IS thare a way to rotate the image so that it is right side up?