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How to run ASP pages in bravenet

Does Bravenet supports Access data base and ASP pages.
I uploaded one simple ASP file, but :( it's not working. If any one can help me

Re: How to run ASP pages in bravenet

When you're looking at the list of forums here, see the heading "Helpful Resources" over to the right.

That's where to look first for answers.

If you visit the Hosting FAQ and search for ASP, you will see:

Does Bravenet Website Hosting support server-side scripts such as CGI, Perl, PHP, ASP, Cold Fusion, etc?
We do not support CGI, Perl, ASP, or any other server-side scripts except PHP at this time.
We also support client-side scripting languages, such as Javascript, Java, CSS, HTML, etc.
We do not provide support for how to install scripts written in the PHP language.