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Re: Changing text and background color for nav links in blog


I didn't mean to confuse you -- I wasn't sure how familiar you were with how these features work.

First, let's make sure we're looking at the same thing -- it's the Blog shown by the following link, correct?

When you modify options in the user interface for the tool, the software has to either change the HTML file or a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) file that is referenced by the HTML page.

The blog is brought into your blog.shtml page by an iframe, so as far as I know there shouldn't be anything outside the iframe that could affect things.

I'm just looking at things, bottom up, to see where the code is that's making things appear the way they are.

I don't see any #727272 definition, but I don't see any red definition either, except for:

a:hover .toolTip
display: block;
background-color: #f00;

and that couldn't be what you were talking about changing to red.

I'm probably missing something obvious. Could you change the text to green or something so I could look for that to show up in the css file I'm looking at?

Incidentally, here's a link to the css file that I think is controlling the format of your blog.

Re: Changing text and background color for nav links in blog

Sherlock - thanks for showing me the css file. Is that editable? Or is it only generated by what we choose from the service manager options?

I've changed the color to green - #11aa00. In the css that shows up as the #pageHeader a, #pageHeader a:visited color.


Re: Changing text and background color for nav links in blog

First, to answer your question about editing the css file: I assume the only way for you to modify the css file is the way you're doing -- that is, not directly editing it, but by using the interface the way you are.

OK -- I see that #11aa00 definition. But as you were saying, it isn't having any effect.

Probably what makes sense is for you to open a ticket. It does look like you're doing what you're supposed to do, and for some reason the Blog isn't cooperating.

Sorry I couldn't help resolve it.

Re: Changing text and background color for nav links in blog

I appreciate your efforts. Could you tell me how you found the css file that you showed me? I don't know where I'd have even begun to look for it. I know what such files do and how they work, but hadn't really thought about the fact that the blog used one, so I hadn't thought about where one would live. Now that I know, I still don't know how I'd find where it lives.

Thanks :)


- oh, and if/when they answer my ticket I'll tell you what they said :)

Re: Changing text and background color for nav links in blog

I found that CSS file by reading the source code of this page:

and looking for style definitions either coded into that page or brought in on links. The line that brings in the css file is:

I thought of something during a Mozart/Debussy concert this evening -- you and I were probably using different browsers. I was using Firefox all the time, and I think you were using IE, because when I tried the blog in IE, I see the links in black. At the same time, on the same computer, when I check the blog in Firefox, it's still that gray color I was seeing: #727272.

I had the idea that there may be coding errors in the css file that obscure some of the definitions, so just now I tried validating the css file (remember, this file is generated automatically by Bravenet's software), and I do see some errors. I had noticed the redundant definitions in the file, but I didn't know what to make of them. Anyway, if it works, here are the validation results for the css file.

I may look into this a little more, not sure if I will get any useful inspirations or not.

Re: Changing text and background color for nav links in blog

I took another look -- the validation results are helpful, because they show that there isn't a blatant syntax error (like mangled css code) in the css file that obliterates the definitions you were trying to put in.

And it makes one thing clear: the color #11aa00 is assigned to "a" links, but only those in a pageHeader object. There are no "a" links in a pageHeader object; your pageHeader only consists of one line, the line that says "The diary of MB - news, updates, trivia ... ".

The two navigation links I was looking at, Profile and Archive, are in a div tagged with id="pageNavigation", and for pageNavigation objects, the color assigned to "a" links is #000000.

I think the #727272 that I was seeing may have come from the effects of one of those "-moz-opacity" attributes. Firefox may recognize it, and IE will not. I don't know where that ".5" value comes from, or the "1" value that the validator talks about, but anyway that looks like a clue for that particular point. You could set up a test with your own CSS file, and view a page using both Firefox and IE and see what happens, if you wanted to check out that angle.

I don't have a Bravenet blog myself, so I can't check the user interface, but what we see in the style sheet shows that #000000 is the color you have selected for the color of pageNavigation links. If you followed Bravenet's rules and did the proper clicking to set up a different color, then you were robbed. And that's what you need to tell them, in your ticket.

Or perhaps the interface you used was somewhat confusing, and you thought you had selected colors for the pageNavigation links but you actually selected colors for links in the pageHeader.

If you want someone to help you with your site, I think you should look for someone you already know, not someone over the Internet.

Re: Changing text and background color for nav links in blog

Scratch that comment about looking for someone to help you -- you hadn't mentioned that, it was someone in another thread.