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Rifi women

hi guys,
I'm not a refeya in fact I'm not even Berber I'm an Arab Moroccan but however I do have a lot of rewafa friends in Larache who have family in El-Houcema.
I just wanted to know why Rifi's dont allow their women to go out, if they were to go out it would have to be with the father or brother and why the women are not even allowed to look out of the window and have all the windows to their house's shut? sorry if I had offended anyone, I'm just confused about the culture and am to embarressed to ask my Rifi friends as they are all male and cant get to know the females because of the reason stated above

Re: Rifi women

yeah i wonder(????) am not a rifi boy too but rifis r all round here in Larache in my neighbour, they r not social at all no offence, but yeah their girls/women don't go out at all seems no one living in their houses while ther r, weird, and one more thing they don't even marry non-rifis men, well i don't think that's a good thing, why r they imprisonned such way, and ok am jst wondering i don't mean no offence so like to hear any answer! peace out