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You are welcome To Tamazight forum,in witch you can suggest a subject , Idea ,about every domain , we will all try to discut what was suggested ,as to give our point of views , opinions , and more... I wish to this forum will get better due to your help inchaeallah :)

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Re: Tamazight

assalam khawan marra ayathma;
I want to thank you mohammed for this site, and I'm realy happy to see thamazight taking place as webs in internet. Thamazight has been and is and will stay the language of Imazighan, but what is happening is that in many places and in many families 'imazighen' the mother language started to despeare. They prefer to teach their children arabic dialict instead of thmazight.. I don't realy understand why.....but I hop that every body understand the importance of teaching this language to every mazigh-child every where.........wassalam

Re: Tamazight

sallam azul Amazighren
Ramadan mabruk kulcshe Amazighren mani mah tighem die dunsche
Inschlah kulsche mlih
Amazigh 4ever mani mah