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compadre brother, pls help advice 576 ?

ihv buy at 6.00 but now going down to 5.60,pls advice cut lost or keep and wait till back home. many thanks for advice.

Re: compadre brother, pls help advice 576 ?

#576...浙江 >

現在去Cut lost 太遲了,今次的下跌有三次止蝕位,第一次在6.24,第二次5.81,第三次在本星期五5.72,收市跌落5.6,也就可能是市場的止蝕效應吧。


Re: Re: compadre brother, pls help advice 576 ?

thanks so much for your u think this stock hv good future in coming year,bsc now most of china stock was going downhill at past week ,i thought china highway hv good profit b4 & cashflow for each day was better than other china stock.when i look at chat past 5 year almost hv 20% improvement but one thing is PE was around 25-26 isn't too high ?...yman

Re: Re: Re: compadre brother, pls help advice 576 ?

抱歉,很難回答有關future ,本柵最多能建議最近的Future,太遠的future ,的確是無能為力。

本作者沒有公司(股票) Profit / cashflow,或任何消息 / 內幕資料,而是純技術角度,盡力尋找途徑隨股浮動。水漲船高,水退船低,才不會................

Re: Re: Re: Re: compadre brother, pls help advice 576 ?

many thanks ....