Out Of Character Board

This Is the Out Of Charecter Board. This is a place to speak to the other superstars out of character.

Out Of Character Board
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Dumb Clutter

Hello fellow wrestlers. My name is AJ and I'm here to sadly clutter the board in which I will apologize profusely for now. First let me tell you about myself and my partner in crime. We're 19 years old who both attend Montclair State U. and we've been in this game for 5-6 years. We've decided to combine our talents and open a non-serious fun e-fed. We're not looking for 50-100 line roleplays. We're looking for someone who can make us cringe, laugh, or drop a tear in their roleplays. If you have a character you would like to try out why don't you come on down. Our layout will improve over time, it's just kinda rough now. Twisted Alliance Wrestling Organization

If you have taken the time to check us out, thanks in advance and I hope to see some of you come around.