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Make The "Real" Paypal $$$

Hi Stranger (Soon to be Friend),

If you’re reading this you’re wondering if you can really make more money with little money.
The truth is YES! I can't guarantee how much that is (in the long run), but I can
guaranteed at least $7. That is one more dollar then the $6 you will be spending. That
is "more money" then what "little money" ($6) you spend, right.

You've probably read all the other posts, forums, and message boards about making hundreds of
thousands in a day, week, month, etc. First of all I can tell you that isn't going to happen.
I know, I tried. After I stopped posting a hundred plus messages, I did some re-evaluation
on why those methods didn't work and I solved it. I came up with a solution. Like all
ideas there are flaws, but good concepts. I chose Paypal for my base. Paypal is the easiest
to work with, because you don't have to pay the $0.37 (US) for each mailing plus the cost of
the envelopes, and the money is instant in your account. If you don't know what paypal is
(you should its 2005) then go to, and sign-up.

This is it:

1) Send $1 to each person via paypal to the following:


In the subject line write "Thanks For Giving A Dollar"

2) Remove the a) position and move b) to a) ... c) to b) ...etc. (this will make f) blank)

3) Make f) now your email address.

4) Copy this post verbatim (just copy and paste, don't actually re-type this) and re-post it
to any post, forum, or message board. It doesn't matter how many posts, forums, or message
boards you place the new message to because it all depends upon the person who reads it if
they are going to do it or not. I can't tell you that if you post less or more what kind of
response that will give. There are thousands (maybe millions?) of posts, forums, message
boards, so someone must be reading them. I'll leave that call to you.

5) After receiving your $1 from someone, please send them an email back thanking them for the $1.
A compliment goes a long way even in the cyber world.

That is it. You can see the changes I have made to the standard method with flaw fixes.
The whole principle of why my re-vamping of the method works is primarily based "kind of" on the P2P
(Peer2Peer) concept. For those old school folks, a "tit-for-tat" system. When you give some; you always
get more in the end.

For those still non-believers you can go to
and view one of my paypal electronic receipts. I have marked out the names, and numbers that are confidential
for my protection and the person sending the dollar. This is a legit receipt.

I did this and got my $6 back and about once a week I have been receiving a $1, but lately it has
increased between $2-$3 given the week. There is growth. It's not the hundred of thousands (could be in
future?), but its money coming in. If you don't follow this exactly I can't guaranteed your results.
They could be better or worse, I don't know. Only chance can know that.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me:

Depending on the email load I get you should usually receive a response within 24 hours.