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Website Security

I have said it before, and I will say it again, that it should be easy enough to restrict the forum section of this website to members only.

None of us want to harm the resort by having apparently negative views seen by the public, yet we do want to have a forum for valid exchanges of views amongst ourselves (either, good, bad, positive, constructive or requests for information).

Members who want to use the forum could register with the webmaster (or some other nominated persons) and use, for example, unit and week numbers for identity to register. This could be promoted initially on this site as most interested people read it, and a period of time given to register before it is closed for members only.

What do others think?

Re: Website Security

Paul, this is an excellent suggestion, how can we make it happen? Hodges, F-147 week 23

Re: Website Security

I will ask our web master for suggestions also
I will ask if a e-mail list with unit number would qualify as a security measure.
Sample H 177 G 210
and so on
this will restrict Owner's Forum only.

It beats "Paradise" in it's 10th year !!


Re: Website Security

I think we need to keep these exchanges private---when you google my name, about the 10th listing is a comment I made two years ago on this owner's forum.

Re: Re: Website Security

Paul, thanks very much for the suggestion of keeping private to owners, as much as is feasible, the exchanges among the owners for all the reasons listed here. The public nature of the website is not helpful to us as owners, and limits comments that people are willing to make. I am again proposing at the next meeting that the alternative site have a forum that is password protected for owners (of the type where someone just surfing does not run into it). If you would do that here, Carl, then I think it would make a big difference and make this site more useable.

Also, kudos to Lynn for his comments. I haven't been on the board long, but in exchanges with him he is looking after owner's interest. I would suggest that sweeping comments about board members be thought through - there truly are some people who are working for the owners. Dissatisfaction on any one issue and matters of importance to discuss will always arise and there are people dedicating their time to work on the board who are wanting to make a difference for owners.

Thanks Carl for considering this change to the website.
