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Fox News Channel Available at Casa Ybel Resort

Many owners over the years have been requesting the Fox News Channel.

Casa Hospitality Services has negotiated with Fox News and Comcast to have the channel provided to all the units at Casa Ybel Resort at no additional charge.

Re: Fox News Channel Available at Casa Ybel Resort

Alright!!!! Now I can finally keep up with The O'Reilly Factor.

Re: Re: Fox News Channel Available at Casa Ybel Resort

I hope there is a way to block Fox "News" from my unit. The only objective news programs I have seen recently is The News Hour on PBS. I know some people think PBS is too liberal but not the news hour.

Re: Fox News Channel Available at Casa Ybel Resort

Well, I hope no channels can be blocked. That wouldn't be fair to the other owners. Let's just agree to watch what we want and not watch what we care not to see.

Re: Re: Fox News Channel Available at Casa Ybel Resort

The more choices the better and who would be the one to decide what we are not allowed to see?
When I grew up during the war in Denmark we were not allowed to tune in to London BBC radio which transmitted allied news in all languages known in Europe.
The Germans blocked our freedom of choice by blasting noise on all the London BBC news radio channels, so it drowned them out, not always complete. (The voice from England)
If I do not wish to look at certain TV channels it will be my own decission.
I never forgot the German "Luftlage meldung" (spelling?)that told us which occupied and/or German areas the enemy (western) bomber planes were over.
Sometimes it was clear and said: "No enemy aircraft over the German territory".
The Britts picked it up and changed it to: "There is no German territory under the "enemy" aircraft".

I wished we could get our own satalite at Casa Ybel, much cheaper with hundreds of channels, including music background of any type of music.
Write the board and ask why not? One problem I have (off and on) with satelite is that clouds with heavy rain blocks the signal, so cable is good for back-up.