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3 Storms in a row

More storms have followed.
Next after Fay came Gustav that took the long sweep around 100 miles from our coast, some rain from outer bands, not bad. Sorry to see it followed Katrina to New Orleans, but was much smaller in capacity, thank God.
This week we have Hanna also passing along Cuba south of us, but seems to be headed for Galveston now.
We had 5 inches of rain day before yesterday again from outer bands, I am more worried about that one, now a hurricane 2 in the open warm Gulf ready to get a rank of 3.
The CNN had a newscast tonight when I came home saying Hanna was headed towards Galveston but a little to the west past the famaous ***** or walls build and maintained since 1906 when 6,000 were killed in Galveston.
My daughter and her family own a 2 story home (on pilings with space for garage) close to the beach on the same spot mentioned west of the ****** How bad and direct can a news item be.
That news item could not have hit closer to home!
They packed up tonight and headed for friends house in Houston
A busy 4 weeks of storms for Florida.

Re: 3 Storms in a row

I forgot to say: my daughters name is KATRINA
Carl Appelberg