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Reserve Fee

To whom it may concern,

I have some questions regarding the reserve fee,

Who make the budget decision for such a fee?
Is this a one time fee?
How is the dollar amount determined?

I noticed that the fee varies from building to building. I owned in building I, unit 161, I recently sold in building G, however, I noticed the fee is much smaller. I also sold that unit and still received a bill? Can you help me with this

Re: Reserve Fee

the boardmakes this decision. itis an every year fee and usually varies each year. it is based on a 15 year projection pf the cost to maintain and refurbish the units and by state law is diveded eqally between the weeks. that the total estimated cost diveded by 2856, the number of weeks in the FGH association or 900 the number of weeks n the IJK association. you have moved your membership from one association to the other by selling in G building and buying in I bulding. if you did not go thru Hilton on this exchange they do not know of it. call Astra at the resort she can probably help.

Re: Reserve Fee

Will "a longtime owner" please identify yourself. As Bob Lade says on the first entry on the Forum, anonymous entries are against the spirit of the forum, and a discourtesy to other members.

In any case, I thought it was agreed some time ago that anonymous entries would be blocked.

Re: Reserve Fee

Responding to Paul.

Santa Claus. I'm checking my list twice next year.