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Voting for the future of FGH (IJK)

I would like for a board member to start outlining the upcoming decision as a path to follow educating our timeshare owners of the future.
Make a clear presentation describing what the question is in the first place.
Any Owner could be helpful in case we do not hear from the board, who should be in the "in"


1: What is the question? Plain talk
2: how could it affect us as a group of owners?
3: What if? One way or the other?
4: What seems to be the best route for the owners to follow?
5: Any financial questions involved?
6: Any danger for unexpected takeovers if we do not act?
7: Do we have to act or else!

I have arranged to establish access for owners only to participate in future discussions in this Forum
So: Owners only, perhaps after May 25.
Send me wk# and unit#, Last name of owner, plus a small line of something you remember from your stay at Casa Ybel. Something special, a thought or experience at Casa Ybel that an outsider would not know.
Include e-mail address as a safety factor.
This is tough, but no one is allowed to give me help with the owner's list. If you have a unique password
Let me know, I will answer e-mails as soon as I find a unique word from you as a start.

Also: A new website named
Will open soon as a help for all Casa Ybel owners to communicate openly about their vacation experiences, and recommend things to do for incoming owners and guests. Don't waste time exploring, let next weeks owners know where good things are happening during their stay.

E-mail Title it: Password,
due to heavy scam traffic.

Thank you very much

Carl J Appelberg

Re: Voting for the future of FGH (IJK)


I think all of your questions have been answered in my previous entries, and would request anyone who has not read them to look, and anyone who has not yet voted to look again.

I would encourage everyone to vote in favour of the proposition. This was something that I was concerned about and started asking board members to look into extending the life of the FGH timeshare association, and am delighted that they have taken the bull by the horns and started to do something about it early.

I cannot emphasise enough how important this is for the protection of our asset. If we do not vote in favour now, there is a danger that our association might come to an end (as provided for in our deeds)and we would then no longer own our individual units.

If anyone wants more information, please email me and I will be happy to reply.

Re: Voting for the future of FGH (IJK)

Paul: When I tried to write you an email, I received the following message:
<>, <@>, <@>, <@>, Validation failed for: , <@>, <@>, <@>

Please post a valid email address.

Re: Voting for the future of FGH (IJK)

I don't know why you could not get through - I receive hundreds of emails every day on that email address. Perhaps it was just a blip. Please try again.