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Pet Friendly

So, what are the chances that Casa Ybel will become dog friendly?

Re: Pet Friendly

Hopefully NONE - nothing worse than being on vacay and listening to a dog barking at you ,near you or in an adjacent unit. When pets are permitted, I'll go to South Seas. There was a dog there this summer but the mgt. told the folks to get rid of it.

Re: Pet Friendly

I definitely vote NO on this idea. Nothing worse than pets being in my room. I love dogs and cats but don't want to hear barking, poop that people don't pick up and fleas. Their is a place for everything and leave your pets at home and don't ruin my vacation home.

Re: Pet Friendly

Neither my husband nor I would be able to breathe after a pet had been in our unit.

Re: Pet Friendly

I do not consider it pet intolerance, as I had to board my own pet when I stayed at Casa Ybel.
It has to do with 52 families using the same unit through the year, and also sometimes a cleaning problem.
We can't expect everybody being able to live with cats, dogs, mice, or snakes. I had all the above in my old home in Ft Myers.
I had friends that just could not visit us if pets had been in the unit one time or another.
Just like smoking, I do enjoy a small Cerut once in a while and do not feel bad smoking it in fresh air, I have been in homes that just made you sick from the smell of tobacco when visiting.

Re: Pet Friendly - Great Response

I appreciate your balanced viewpoint. While any individual may prefer to do something, there is a sense in which there must be a boundary when it adversely affects someone else.