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Re: People mis-using this site


You are taking this way too seriously. I weigh in from time-to-time and enjoy some of the more light-hearted entries and as you call them, nom-de-plumes.
You have to admit, some are very funny.

Don't be confused, Casa Ybel is a vacation resort - a place for run and relaxation - not the U.S. Capitol or IBM, so expect people to have some fun every now and then.

As for you continuing or not continuing to participate, I doubt many of us care, but you do add some entries that are informative and others that are....humorous.

Re: People mis-using this site

Just a reminder to everyone -- ANY email address posted on this site is open to anyone who googles this site. Why would anyone want their email address displayed and made available to the world?? I don't believe an email address is public information unless we choose to make it so. Making this mandatory for commenting on this very public "owners" forum seems ridiculous in order for someone to discuss an issue. I do agree that some of the comments are very childish...and need to be ignored rather than fueled! Or password protect it to make it truly an "owner's" forum.

Re: People mis-using this site

I find some of the comments really quite humerous. I, frankly, am tired of the PC going on in this country. Lighten up. Also, if you don't like something, don't go to their comment and read it. If it is someone that you don't know that contributes and that doesn't have a name that you know, bypass it.

Re: People mis-using this site

I agree. Life is too short to be so grumpy.Enjoy life & each other. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.

A Non-Problem we can't fully fix even if we tried: People mis-using this site

Welcome to the internet! If you don't want comments you don't like or "false nom-de-plumes," then you're using the wrong communication medium. You might just want to email a small group of people with whom you are comfortable. The internet and social media are today's communication "Wild West." There are no real rules (with the possible exception of the unwritten rule of shutting down a thread when someone compares someone else to Hitler).

The best approach is to ignore messages or messengers you don't like. Lack of response drives them away. Attention, anger, and attempts to exclude them just encourage their continued attempts.

By the way, full-time internet and social media leaders and consulting firms can't completely control this. And this forum really does not merit the degree of resources required just to initiate such efforts. If major corporations are not successful (we see less negative stuff than they typically do), we are unlikely to do better than them.

Personally, I'm cool with what Carl has created. I think it works very well - even when others present concepts or opinions with which I disagree.


Re: A Non-Problem we can't fully fix even if we tried: People mis-using this site

I agree. Thanks Carl for all you do. You provide a valuable resourse and all your work is much appreciated. We rented thru your site again this year and didn't have to pay the front desk their percentage.

Re: A Non-Problem we can't fully fix even if we tried: People mis-using this site

Thank you Shela,

The question about exposing e-mails for our owners is somewhat under control.
You do not find exposed addresses on our web for you to copy, but a "click here" to establish a form letter to the owner preaddressed as it pops up so you can contact that person.
It stops outsiders from running a complete list of copies in a short time. Each owner has to be looked up, and that is time consuming.