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Re: Repairs for 2014

So happy "owners" that I don't have to deal with your rude a$$ during my vacation. I guess your momma never taught you that if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your pie hole shut!! It's all in the raising. I'll be sure NOT to post my findings on this nasty forum, as it appears as no one knows the answers, the info could be helpful to some. Now, after you r finished reading this "owner" go crawl back into that dark nasty hole of hate you obviously live in.

Re: Repairs for 2014

You cannot blame this site for not knowing the answer to your question, as there is no reason for any of us to know. This is a maintenance issue, so the people to ask are either the front dest, or Chris Cain.

Re: Repairs for 2014

I hear you, and that would have been a wonderful way for it to have been presented. My issue is with most of the miserable people (some being quite pleasant) on this forum who do not treat it seriously, but merely as a venue to publish their negative, nasty dribble that no one will listen to in real life.

If this is a forum where I am going to be JUDGED and then berated at the quality of my question, then the monitors are not doing their job to ensure that doesn't happy - and to ensure that owners continue to use the site. After all, that IS why it is here. What is stupid to one, is not to another or many.

I mean seriously - - - why have a forum if that's the case!!??

I'm out and will just be resourceful elsewhere.

Re: Repairs for 2014

You are quite right, of course. However, it is the anonymous contributors who are debasing the site. Genuine contributors should have no problem in using their own names!

Re: Repairs for 2014

While "Owner" has the correct answer, it could have been put in a more polite and user friendly manner. There was no need to be rude.

As for Jeffrey...!!!

Re: Repairs for 2014

Well, the straightforward answers to Jeffrey's questions are yes and no.

Re: Repairs for 2014

what no snakes on the beach thank goodness that means the girls with braziallian bikins are safe

Re: Repairs for 2014

So George,

The Gulf of Mexico is fresh water? This is THE most accurate and informative site ever!

Re: Repairs for 2014

Jeffery's question was whether or not anyone knew if the Gulf of Mexico was fresh water, not whether or not it was.

You must read carefully, Jeff(ery), to avoid sounding like a fool.

Re: Repairs for 2014

Hey, Slip, are you real, or one of jones’ doppelgangers?