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No See Ums

I see alot of comments about our most unpopular noseeums. They are terrible and always seems to find me first, leaving horrible welts. As a local who grew up here, I'm sad to say they are year round, coming and going with the change of the breeze. We've had wonderful years (wk #34/August) where we could sit on the beach till midnight with no problem, and years where I've had to run for my life from them while my husband was totally unaffected. The old pool shop (again dismantled by management) used to sell a bug repellent called gator something?? that was great. May have it at Baileys.

Don't give up they come and go. Feel terrible when I hear people say they'll never come back after experiencing them. They're awful, but when the winds shift, they'll move on, at least till the next wind shift! Don't give up!

Re: No See Ums

No seeums love the gulf front when there is no breeze. Sadly they are a way of life in South Florida and I don't think your skin will ever get thick enough to resist their bite.

Insofar as the concession facility that was by the pool, it was removed after the hurricane because it was in violation of a Sanibel city code. I believe it was run by Billy's Bike Service and management had nothing to do with its removal. We have been owners at Casa Ybel since 1980 and we liked it (but didn't buy much there).

Enjoy your visits and don't let the no seeums bite. I have been told that Avon's Skin so soft was a good repelent, no guarantes, but you might try it.

Lynn L Perkins