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BLOG COMMENTS RE: It's Coming Together

So why does this picture of Janice make her look so knackered? Because she IS!! She’s trying to have it all and this is the morning after a big-girl night out and I just didn’t want to remove my makeup before bed. It’s maybe the tenth time in 30 years that I did that, but who cares! I got 5 more minutes of sleep and my skin won’t suffer that much from one night.
So what does this have to do with Well, having a 16 month old, trying to keep my marriage fun, teaching belly dancing, performing with two groups and trying to get up and running is the connection...5 more minutes of sleep in the midst of all this is worth the horrible picture. It’s worth it because every time Melinda or I mention the concept we get positive feedback. It’s very motivating. So I’m pressing on with this iWeb tool and thanking the decent programmers and interface designers at Apple that it’s actually helping us and not adding to my stress. An HTML programmer even said their background code for this magic WYSIWYG tool is pretty clean. Yeah for excellent work! Now, back to finishing the model web site...and my daughter...and my coffee...oh, and there is that pile of laundry sitting there from LAST WEEK (washed in ecologically sound detergent, cold water and in the off-peak hours of course)...well that can just stay right takes precedence right now!
-- Janice