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Veggie Meat Subsitutes

I thought we could share thoughts & experiences with meat substitutes (I know, we can make perfectly delicious veggie meals without them. Amy F. can prove it. But I *like* some of them. For example...)

QUORN Brand Products
I *love* their fake chicken products and (gasp "hot dogs"). They don't have that spongy texture that other brands have.

And I've been missing my beloved Tuno (yes, in a CAN) for a couple of years now. Buz from sales mgr. from the makers of a new Tuno Roll - we'll have it soon at Whole Foods and New Leaf. Here are his comments:

Yes, once it becomes available in the distributor that does W.F. it will be available to New Leaf Markets etc.

The product is currently available on in a 12oz roll, which is used in our food service pack business and there is currently only one small Asian market in San Jose that has this item in the roll: Thien Truc Market 2637 Senter Road ,zip 95111 Ph# 408/ 995-0734. We are launching a retailer pack that we hope will be available in the Whole Foods Market in the near future. It will be 2/ 5.2oz rolls in a 10.4oz box sold under our Vegetarian Plus brand name.