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"Green Washing" ???

I hear people say they don't want to support a product or store because it's just "green washed, not really green." What do is meant by this and why is it bad? Does it mean "a traditional company/product who isn't green at the core but is making green products because green is popular now"? If so, aren't we more concerned about the results and not the motivations? Most things most companies do are profit motivated - that's why we say "vote with your dollars", no? Also, does the idea "one step at a time, baby steps, any progress" only apply to individuals or wouldn't we applaud green steps in corporations? Or does the term mean something else? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Re: "Green Washing" ???

thanks for explaining "green washing" I wasn't sure what that was. My opinion is that with green being the "designer cause" for most companies, we should seriously applaud their efforts, but keep an eye on the reality of whether the products and services they provide are actually green. It's a good thing and we can only hope it's real.