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Problems of trash /recycling collection on the coastside - your input needed

Hello -
I'm sure many of you have noticed how much trash and recycling seems
to blow off towards the ocean on trash collection days.
Some of the major problems:
There are not enough trash bins by the beach (leading to overflow
mondays mornings)
the trash bins have no lids (wind blows the trash out)
and there are no recycling bins!!

As for curbside collection - the recycling bins are all open. I live
up on the bluffs in Moss Beach, so I no longer put out plastic
recycling, because it litters the streets, and then worse blows into
the sea, taking 500 years to break down into its petroleum based
molecules, if its not first mistakenly consumed by sea life. So
people either stop recycling, or contaminate the Monterey Bay marine
sanctuary. This is a awful bind!

I am a loss and what to do - I made my own closed-lid containers, but
Seaside recycling didn't collect them - or take it to the recycling
facility myself, but beyond changing what we as individuals do, I
think we need to organize to change trash collection services for our
area. We are blessed with such a unique coastal environment, and
unwittingly contaminate it by trying to be responsible by recycling.

Please help me come up with ideas as to how we can remedy this
problem, so that we can organize and help stop contamination of our
coastside at its source, before the "coastside cleanup" phase.

I greatly appreciate any input.

Anna Walsh