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cleaning shower doors

Someone in our local group asked what works good on shower doors and I told them I would get back to them after I asked my house cleaners what they do. They use all natural products. My shower doors look pretty good considering we don't do anything to them and my housecleaners only come every 2 weeks...
They use a 1 to 1 mixture of Dr. Bronners and Bon Ami.
So there you go.

Re: cleaning shower floors

Don't know how totally green this is, but we all have partial bottles of shampoo we won't use on our heads anymore. Well, when one spilled on the shower floor I discovered, to my horror,that it cleaned the shower floor to a bright shiny clean. No wonder we don't use them on our bodies anymore. Ive discovered that a baking soda paste left on the floor for 2/3 hours has the same shiny result.

Re: cleaning shower doors

Awesome! I am going to post this in our cleaning Resources section when I get a chance if that's ok with you.