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Posting Tip for GreenMoms Discussion Forum

Posting Tip for GreenMoms Discussion Forum

Hi Everyone - thought I'd pass on a little tip (well, it's actually a request) about this Discussion Forum. PLEASE REPEAT THE SUBJECT LINE AT THE TOP OF THE MAIN MESSAGE BOX.

It turns out the "search" capability that is part of the software doesn't actually search the SUBJECT field! (Yes, it's mind-boggling that it doesn't do this). So for example, if you want to see all the BLOG COMMENTS topics you can't just search for "blog" and get all of them - you'll only see the ones that happen to use the word "blog" in the main message area. We've started putting the subject line in (like on this post) as of Mother's Day (how appropriate!) but you might miss some of the older topics for which you're searching. Grrrr...learning more every day.

-- Janice