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If I join your group.......

If I join your group.....
Is it ok if I drive an SUV? Is it ok if I don't eat all organic? Will moms look at me with disgust or is there understanding that we all are all doing what we can to work on coming out of our over-consumption coma/addiction?

-Nervous to join

Re: If I join your group.......

Re: If I join your group.......

Dear Nervous Nelly, I mean Nervous Shelly... NO! No need to be nervous AT ALL! One of the reasons I even stuck around with the GreenMoms after one meeting is because everyone applauded what you DID do, not what you didn't do. And it continues to be our philosophy now that we have the website. It's the whole point behind the "GreenMometer" tips - you should do what works for you, not what others tell you to do. Melinda & I were horrified when we read about another group of women who get together to discuss "green living" issues and the guests BERATED the hostess for non-green things in her home, like the paint on her walls! I can't begin to describe the many reasons that was a horrible thing to do. And I'll fill you in on some secrets:
1. I drive an SUV. (okay, it's a hybrid, but if the hybrid had not been available when I was pregnant with my daughter we would have purchased an SUV anyways. I can hear the gasps in some areas, but not us GreenMoms!)
2. I sometimes THROW OUT a piece of paper rather than walk the 10 feet to the recycling bin. There, I said it. (notice I have "green" next to my name in the ABOUT US section compared to Melinda who I lovingly labeled "greener" but not "greenest"...I saw PAPER TOWELS in her house! (Gasp away...)
3. I alternate between regular and organic milk (more gasps?). It's a struggle for me between wanting the organic product for my family, the environment and wanting to support the organic suppliers vs. money. It pains me to pay nearly 50% more for the organic milk. So I started alternating. Once I got use to it I eased into more organic - but it still kills me.

So join away - if you feel someone is berating someone rather than providing information and support, then call them on it. We'd like fair, open and honest discussions about the pros & cons of different ideas and products, but more importantly we want to support each other in the baby steps and giant leaps each of attempts. As we like to say, Go Green, Greener, Greenest - Your Children Will Thank You.

Re: If I join your group.......

Joining our group

Janice put it very well. We are a support group and our mission is to stay positive, supportive and, non-critical towards each other. We want to keep the good ideas and information flowing to each other so moms will try even small green ideas when they feel ready. The goal is to cause green living to spread all over the planet even if it takes baby steps! Being critical only stops people in their tracks, so we never intend to be like that. Instead of saying, "too bad you don't eat all organic", I say, "good for you for choosing organic sometimes! Yay!