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New Leafs to go containers are compostable!

New Leafs to go containers are compostable!

I am so excited! (I get excited over anything green)
New Leaf has compostable containers. I bought a preprepared organic salad today and when I was washing the container to put in recycling, I noticed it said compostable plastic! I was so happy I could re-use it for my food knowing that it is likely made from potato or corn cellulose. ( I think potato is the word) When I am done re-using it, I can put it in my composter! Yay!

Re: New Leafs to go containers are compostable!

Re: New Leafs to go containers are compostable!

Okay, one more reason to get off my lazy can and do the, just tell me the worms stay put please?!?!?!? Snakes I can deal with, but slimy little worms, yeeech!