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Blog COMMENTS RE: Greening Parties - Tips & Ideas

Blog COMMENTS RE: Greening Parties - Tips & Ideas

In general, it is less overwhelming to take 'baby steps' when trying to go green.  It is rewarding to accomplish one goal at a time, then move on to the next challenge.  When throwing a party, it may be easier to choose one, or maybe just a few, green implementation to create less waste than to try to think about how to do almost everything green. Some ideas for reducing waste when throwing a party are listed and discussed below:

Send electronic invitations (like or instead of paper as well as electronic thank you notes (either email or other electronic card service. Both Evite & Pingg offer Ecards).

Send invitations and thank you notes made from recycled paper, hemp or handmade paper.

For kid parties, have your kids draw or paint on recycled or hemp paper for thank you notes.

Hand-deliver invitations if you happen to see people before the party.

Instead of using the standard balloons and streamers, get creative and decorate with things from nature or colorful scarves or flags you may have around the house.  Look for ideas at thrift stores. 

For creating less paper and plastic waste, consider using your own dishes, glasses, flatware, and cloth napkins if you have them.  It has a more congenial feel for the guests to eat off the host's dishware than to eat off paper or plastic, and it is cheaper than buying disposables. Of course, then you have the added work of washing the dishes after the party, but it is worth it if you want to cutback on waste.  This is often not an option when you are having more people over than your dinnerware will serve.

Another idea is to purchase compostable plates, flatware, napkins and cups.  It's okay if you don't have a composter because when you buy these products, you cut back the demand for more wasteful disposables, you support the demand for compostable products, and the products will take much less time to biodegrade in landfills. An added bonus is that compostables do not degrade into harmful chemicals.  The drawback to this is that it can be more expensive than regular disposable dinnerware.  However, here is a website where you can order compostable products that come in bulk and are actually quite reasonable:
(look under Food Service/Kitchen Supplies)

If you have the budget, try to do all food and beverages organic.  This is costly, so another option is to only get organic foods that would normally be high pesticides and/or buy from local businesses.  Buying organic not only provides healthier food for your family and friends, but it encourages the demand for organic and sustainably produced foods.  Here is a website for a list of pesticides in foods:

For food and beverages, try to think BULK.  Buying in bulk creates less waste than buying small packaged items.  This could mean going to Costco for some food or going to the bulk aisle in your local health food store.  Large bottles of beverages to serve into glasses are less wasteful than individual containers.  For kid parties, put out drinks for the adults to pour into sippy cups, small glasses, or compostable cups.  The other option is to buy individual beverages in recyclable containers. 

Often times favors for kids’ parties end up being mostly plastic.  Be creative and think about other options you may have.  Food favors can be fruit leather, nuts, or chocolate.  Toy favors can be wooden or handmade like bean bags or play-dough.  If you are really into it, you can even sew your own cloth bags. 

If you have things that can be recycled at your party, encourage the guests to help you with this so you will have less work after the party.  Set out boxes or your actual recycling bins and label them so guests will know where to toss their disposables.  You may even need to put a sign on your garbage can with an arrow that says "SEE RECYCLING BINS FIRST".
If these sound like good ideas to you, you may want to check out the book, "Green Parties” and "Simply Green Giving", both by Danny Seo. I also highly recommend a new website called This website provides many parties amenities such as décor, tableware, party favors, games and more! They have a great selection for kid’s parties too.

To help make it easier for all of us to green our parties, share your ideas and tips in our Discussion Forum.

-- Melinda

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