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Why did you decide to go green?

Why did you decide to become green?

Since we don't have lots of time to talk about this at meetings. I would love to hear what you have to say!

Re: Why did you decide to go green?

Re: Why did you decide to go green?

How could I not? Same thing with vegetarianism - it just hit me one day that I when I have options, I should try to take the gentler/greener/safer/etc. route. What's so difficult in throwing out a bottle to the right or left in a separate container from the trash? It takes the same effort, amount of time, same motion, more container in the house. Big deal. Then added on. It gets harder with big ticket or comfort items (I really am not a candidate for the "how low can you go" in the house temperature challenge), but doing SOMETHING seems better than doing nothing.

Re: Why did you decide to go green?

I decide to go green after moving right next to the sea.I kept thinking that every time I used some product that the toxins were going right into really change the way I felt about the stuff we used.Robin

Re: Why did you decide to go green?

Re: Why did you decide to go green?

That really makes sense. It is a direct connection. I live next to the sea too, and have those feelings too. I also feel like I wish I could do more.