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BLOG COMMENTS: Vodka: The New (Tastier) Vinegar?

BLOG COMMENTS: Vodka: The New (Tastier) Vinegar?

I’m not sure which I’m more excited about: the really cool organic U.S.-made vodka in the striking, modern, reusable-as-a-vase bottle or the crazy “eco”-uses we have for that vodka (besides drinking it of course. I’ve long been a fan of its, uhm, MEDICINAL purposes, but now I have other reasons to stay stocked up. Yeah, that’s it, medicine & cleaning). We’ve all been inundated with the virtues of vinegar as a staple for green living. But you gotta admit, unless you’re clever with the essential oil add-ins, it’s kind of stinky. Now we have an alternative (albeit a more expensive alternative) – VODKA!

TheDailyGreen put out a summary list of a variety of weird uses for vodka. But first, a little bit about a terrific gift we received at our household not too long ago (can you say HOLIDAY SHOPPING IDEA?)…

According to the website, Square One is “the world’s first certified organic rye vodka."… handcrafted from 100%-certified organically grown rye.” And if that isn’t enough, the distillers use wind generated power, chlorine-free shipper cartons, soy-based inks and bottle labels made from bamboo, sugar cane pulp and cotton! Once done with the delicious contents, they offer the following ideas for the bottle besides just recycling it:

Want a cool idea that is eco-friendly? Soak your used Square One bottle in hot water (about 120 degrees) for 10 minutes, then peel the labels off and discard. You now have a great bottle to use as a vase, a water bottle, a candle-holder or for infusing your own vodkas or nectars for your next cocktail party!

Check them out – they include recipes and much more info about their commitment to an eco-friendly product and process. (No I have no affiliation with them – but would it be so bad if they sent me a thank you bottle?)


You should go read the full article (besides, TheDailyGreen has a lot of interesting info and a great email-Newsletter). But if you’re crazy-busy like most people I know, here at least is the list they explore. It just tickles me the uses they came up with… (click HERE to read the full article)

1. Poison Ivy Remedy - pour immediately over contact point
(Seriously, how many of us go hiking with a flask of vodka?)

2. Freshen Laundry – spritz on clothes to keep them fresh

3. Shine Chrome, Glass and Porcelain

4. Preserve Flowers – add a few drops of vodka & sugar into the water

5. Insect Repellent – spray on yourself or on the bugs

6. Soothe Jellyfish Stings – ditto the poison ivy comments

7. Shiny Hair – add a shot to a 12-oz bottle of shampoo
(hmmm, I think my showers just got a lot more interesting)

8. Clean Away Mold – great on cleaning caulking

9. Soothing Tincture – add lavender and rub into aches and pains

Okay, so maybe you should buy the cheap stuff for these household Vodka recipes – even non-organic vodka is better than using the harsh chemical alternatives out there. But do try the Square One for your next cocktail party.

Have other unusual uses for Vodka? Do share here in our Discussion Forum.

-- Janice

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