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Morphological Similarities are NOT Fossilized Transitional Forms

Where, oh where, are the transitional forms? They do not exist, which relegates your fanciful musing to the "mere speculation" junk pile. You have zero physical transitional fossil evidence for your assertions, and that is not hard science, because science sooner or later demands proof, and you have none. Worse, you require hard evidence from others, yet you have none yourself, thus breaking the very rules you claim to live by. Hypocrisy on parade, and desperate at that.

Oh, wait. Could you possibly be referring to Darwin's whale bears? Yes, your comments would fit right in with Darwin's "Just So" story, about How the Whale Learned to Swim. (I will share that story at another time. It is hilarious!)

Interesting, but more fit for a child's storybook.

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Replying to:

WiYC said:
"Secondly, we encourage everyone to go to the postings specifically covering the 'walking whales' folly. It's a very sad indicator of what is considered 'science.'(The postings are a couple of pages back.)"

Yes, read how very specific characteristics of cetacean (whale) ears were present in terrestrial ancestors. These characteristics persisted as the whale ear evolved to a system better adapted for life in the water.

Read how these terrestrial whales shared a specific ankle structure (the astragalus) that is common to even-toed ungulates (artiodactyls). Note that this structure persisted even after whales became marine creatures.

Other morphological characteristics correspond with the changing lifestyle of these creatures from fully terrestrial to obligate aquatic animals. Legs, hips, spine, and skulls all evolve to forms more suitable to aquatic life. Note that the teeth provide further evidence of this change in oxygen isotope ratios. These animals moved from land out to sea and the elements in their teeth document this occurred.

Note that protein and genetic evidence also pointed to an artiodactyl ancestory of whales. Also note that the age of the fossils corresponds with the geological changes in the eastern end of the Tethys sea where these early whales evolved.

Finally, notice that WiYC can't explain any of this evidence and finally drops each and every point.

Plenty of transitional whale fossils...

John said:
"Where, oh where, are the transitional forms? They do not exist, which relegates your fanciful musing to the "mere speculation" junk pile. You have zero physical transitional fossil evidence for your assertions, and that is not hard science, because science sooner or later demands proof, and you have none. Worse, you require hard evidence from others, yet you have none yourself, thus breaking the very rules you claim to live by. Hypocrisy on parade, and desperate at that."

Not desperate at all. There is a very solid record of transitional fossils for whales. I will assume that you are simply unaware of the science. You can start with this article. It should give you an idea of what I am talking about. I wouldn't expect you to accept this without evidence.

It lists only a fraction of the whale transitional fossils that have been found. It is far from zero as you claim. These fossils share a number of characteristics that clearly make them part of the transition from land to water for these creatures. The last couple of decades have been very exciting in the area of whale evolution. Little fossil evidence beyond Basilosaurus existed before Gingerich's finds in Pakistan, but new species have been found hot and heavy since then.

Not Darwin's bear, either....

John said:
"Oh, wait. Could you possibly be referring to Darwin's whale bears? Yes, your comments would fit right in with Darwin's "Just So" story, about How the Whale Learned to Swim. (I will share that story at another time. It is hilarious!)

Interesting, but more fit for a child's storybook."

Nope. This is a bit more to the point than the last link. I hope you find both informative.

Darwin was working with very little of what we understand now about whale origins. He also didn't have many of the branches of science that provide more support for the transition than just fossil evidence. Although his supposition that whales came from bears was incorrect. He was correct that they did come from land animals.

Quote mine if that is all you have....but it is not honest and doesn't support your position.

WiYC said:
"Thirdly, evolutionists have yet to see a quote from their peers that they like. So, instead of providing evidence that contradicts the damaging quotes, they cry 'quote mining' and try to put the attention on silly 'out of context' accusations.
It's really a bad strategy, guys, but go ahead and keep using it if you think people actually take you seriously."

This example should give an idea of what WiYC considers evidence, how we respond to it and how she slinks away when called on it.

"The ear of Pakicetus was adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle, yet is had several characteristics that are only shared by other whales. The unique 'S' shaped sigmoid process is used to identify whales. Pakicetus has this characteristic. Later, more aquatic whales evolved ears that share the other adaptations to life in the water you mentioned.

Yes, we have been through this before. So perhaps it is time that you took an honest look at the paper you quote.

WiYC posted the following under the title "We've been through this how many times? Repeat a lie long enough and people will believe you":

"After this, go ahead and have last word because I am not interested in such repetition.

The ears of Pakicetus are those of a whale?

'Unlike any other cetacean, the pakicetid outer ear was unspecialized and similar to that of land mammals... '

'It is most likely that the specializations of the pakicetid middle ear are analogous to those of some subterranean mammals and are related to the reception of substrate-borne vibrations or sound when the ead is in contact with the ground...'

'Taken together, the features of the skull indicate that pakicetids were terrestrial, and the locomotor skeleton displays running adaptations ...'

'Pakecetids were terrestrial mammals, no more amphilbious than a tapir.'

From 'Skeletons of terrestrial cetaceans and the relationship of whales to artiodactyles'
Nature/Vol 413 / 20 September 2001 / www.nature.com"

Here is my response:
"In contrast to the debate about the cetacean sister group, the relationships among Eocene cetaceans and the content of Cetacea itself are not controversial. All phylogenetic studies indicate that pakicetids are more closely related to living cetaceans than to artiodactyls and mesonychians, and that pakicetids share the cetacean synapomorphies of the ear. Pakicetids are followed by ambulocetids in the cladogram, and modern cetaceans (toothed and baleen whales) are closely related to Eocene basilosaurids and dorudontids."

Yes, pakicetids were terrestrial, but they were clearly whales. You had better come up with evidence and analysis that refutes "all phylogenetic studies" done on these whales. You haven't done that. You have merely cherry picked quotes that don't really support your position. This has been pointed out to you many times. So it is long past time to come to terms with the evidence and stop making spurious unsupported claims that others are lying. It is unchristian and unbecoming of a mature woman. I will pray for you."

Re: Darwin Obviated His Own Theory

A lie, plain and simple. Almost every single fossil we find can be classified as a transitional of observed species. The fossil record is indeed very fractured, but is still a strong supporter of evolution.

Macroevolution is defined as a change in species, which has been observed.

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Replying to:

"The geological record is extremely imperfect and this fact will to a large extent explain why we do not find interminable varieties, connecting together all the extinct and existing forms of life by the finest graduated steps. He who rejects these views on the nature of the geological record, will rightly reject my whole theory."

-Charles Darwin, as quoted by S J Gould, in "The Panda's Thumb," page 181.

In Darwin's time the fossil record was scarce, but with the millions of examples we now have, it is clear that there are no "interminable varieties" by which connections are made to transitional forms between species. The few that do seem to exist, are but the straws the drowning-in-truth materialists clutch at to keep Darwin's faulty premise from going the way of, well, the dinosaurs.

Microevolution is a physical fact, Macroevolution is faith-based. Evolutionism and Creation are both belief systems, but believers in Creation are honest about their foundation, while Evolutionists want their followers blinded by "science."

Darwin gives you permission to reject his views based on the geological record, which we now know is sadly lacking in evidence. Please consider doing so.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful reply.