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Forum Daily Post Added February 23rd 2020
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Update And Hope Heading In The Right Direction

Good Evening

I can confirm it is down by 167 for the infections for today’s figures, yesterday it was down by 42. today I posted to my Twitter page @Mantego23, that it was down by 42 from previous day figures.

So we are heading in the right direction, we must get the figures down. I know its hard to stay to restrictions, but we all have to do it.

The only the places, I have been avoiding is the shopping centre there is no rush for that. because the shopping centre is indoors.

I did up going to hospital weeks ago, as I had a D-Dimer blood test to detect an indication of a blood clot. As I fell ill all of a sudden, the D-Dimer test was positive, which forced me to have an urgent scan the following day. I was rushed on to blood thinning injections where I inject my self in my stomach, plus I had urgent appointments at my GP surgery following me falling ill weeks before the possible blood clot. But is all good, and I am well. I was wanting to avoid visits to the GP surgery or hospital but health is important if its urgent.

But anyway will get there in the end, and get figures down for the infections rate that has been rising.

Love Hugs and Kisses

Karen Marie DCruz (Administrator) xx