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Forum Daily Post Added February 23rd 2020
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Merry Christmas Marti 25/12/2020

Hey Marti

I knew u will drop by Christmas Day.......Obviously I could not listen straightaway, but I finally did.... What a year we have had with this Covid .... We all got through it- Only on Christmas Eve, I learnt my cousin from oversea Toronto Canada had passed away with COVID on December 23rd 2020......It is so scary......

But any way our Christmas were small, we had a splendid day, Mia playing on her PlayStation she got part of her Christmas presents.....

I were spoilt rotten, from perfumes to boots to clothes to pjs to creams Dove to a black velvet jewellery box ... We even had table presents. It were quite Christmas, I feel sorry for those on their own Christmas Day.... 2021 there is going to be a big change for the sure now thx vaccine is here...

My other family members we exchanged presents Christmas Eve in the garden, I feel so bad that I could not invite them in......

All stay safe - I am off to bed now it is Boxing Day - Happy holidays 2021 is going to be spectacular year- U say you have an announcement in ur news letter cannot wait Marti......

Love Hugs and Kisses

Karen Marie DCruz (Administrator) xx