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Forum Daily Post Added February 23rd 2020
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Please Read And Be Very Aware Update March 7th 2021

Good Afternoon all,

Apparently, someone found another way to hurt and insult ppl for no reason. Everyone keeps an eye out. Theres a new Hacker on Facebook who puts a hurtful phrase from you under your contacts' comments. Its very hurtful and it looks like you wrote it. You don't see it, but your contacts see it. This situation can cause many misunderstandings......

I want to tell all my contacts that if you receive an offensive or inappropriate response from me, it is not me ... I would like you to let me know if this happens!

Thank you !

You can copy paste. The sooner he or she is blocked, the sooner we will get rid of this hacker..thank you....

I also want to say that I do not have another Facebook profile..... I PASSED THIS ON, HORRIBLE, POOR PPL....

We were hacked in 2009, and there were a lot of misunderstandings, and no one ever listens....I am not the only one who as posted this on Facebook and the forum too now so its more wider publicity gets out there to the public .... The hacker will soon get caught and could be in serious trouble as their location will get traced......

Stay safe do not allow this fool who intimidates ppl out of spite then pretend it is the person who is the victim is doing this, I have been a victim of cyber bullying and it is a serious crime.... Police are fully aware of this type of crime and it has been picked up the person committing the crime and where they reside....

Many ppl have been victims of hackers and ppl misquarding and pretending to be someone else is totally sick, wrong , and nothing better to do....

Thank you for reading this it is so important, many of us are on full alert now.....

Re: Please Read And Be Very Aware Update March 7th 2021

Love Hugs and Kisses

Karen Marie DCruz (Administrator) xx