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Forum Daily Post Added February 23rd 2020
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Good Morning

As u may of all heard, that the Delta Variant which were the original Indian variant, were high in Manchester Salford and Lancashire areas, peeps u need to start listening take up the vaccination....

If everyone is wanting freedom, take up the opportunity, all my family well most of family us vaccinated including a terminally ill member of my family, I am vaccinated because of underline health all my sisters too, please do not lose out take the vaccination it is perfectly safe believe me, I may not be a scientist but take my word for it....

The figures are close to 6,000 plus for yesterday, but 13 deaths only, please take up the opportunity to have the vaccination......

I have posted the figures this morning on my Twitter @Mantego23 - All take care.....

Love Hugs And Kisses

Karen Marie DCruz (Administrator) xx