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Forum Daily Post Added February 23rd 2020
This Forum is Locked
The One To Read Do Not Be Alarmed

Good Evening

This morning I were at my lowest dangerously low at 0.1 slipping in and out of consciousness, but I refused to go to hospital yet again……The kids were concerned but I said I will be ok, I am tough….

I were at 0.1, me being stubborn as always, I kept saying I am ok, but I were very close to seizure levels…….I am still awaiting my CT Scan & Contrast results…..I were feeling very faintish this morning, I had family plans, I said, I am tough as old boots, I said I will get myself to recover and avoid a seizure by eating a sugary cereal.. For one hour I were low, that is so dangerously low , I better listen and go to hospital next time…..

Here are the readings from this morning…. I will fight this, I will not let this illness beat me…..

Love Hugs and Kisses

Karen Marie DCruz (Administrator) xx