All information is correct, and fully accurate to the best of my knowledge,,…
NEWS The latest data shows booster doses are continuing to provide high levels of protection against severe disease from the Omicron variant among older adults….. Figures show that around 3 months after they received the 3rd jab, protection against hospitalisation among those aged 65 and over remains at about 90 per cent ……
The JCVI has taken this latest evidence into account in their on-going review of the booster programme……
They advise:
Priority continue to rolling out 1st booster doses to all age groups, and for unvaccinated individuals to take up vaccination offer;
No immediate need to introduce a 2nd booster dose, or 4th jab, to the most vulnerable (care home residents and those aged over 80)……..
Timing and need for further booster doses will continue to be reviewed as the data evolves..,….
COVID passes are live and ready to use for vaccinated ppl only…..That covers Music venues sporting events pubs restaurants night clubs British holidays which is Domestic use then there is a travel one is for international travel …..