REMINDER:  This forum is a christian based forum for children/preteens/teens and adults.  This was developed as a safe place to post prayer requests and comments.

The past couple of weeks we have had individuals post messages on here that were meant to be hurtful and lower peoples self-esteem.  While we strive to maintain a safe environment sometimes things do get posted, however we are removing them ASAP. 

To those of you out there who have felt it necessary to post such comments we ask that you refrain from posting if it cannot be done in a christian like manner. 

To those of you who were affected by the postings and I know who you are, please understand you are special and Jesus Loves you very much - sometimes people do things that just are not acceptable and although they are trying to be hurtful, we must remember to ask Jesus to help them, because they are the ones who are really in need of Love and understanding.

If things continue to get out of hand, we will be forced to shut down the forum and only allow it via member access only.  Although we do not want to do this, we will have to in order to keep the "safe" environment that we have strived and prayed so earnestly to provide.

Children/Teens - please think carefully when replying back to someone's post. Even if you may have experienced things in the past that seem to be more painful or bothersome.  Each and everyone experiences are different and our hurts and happiness can all be experienced on different levels.  Remember when posting WWJD - what would Jesus do!  If Jesus wouldnt say it... please do not post the attitude!

Thank you!  We appreciate your help in this matter!  If you have any questions or comments, please post them or email us directly at

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