After the rains! I got a bird point from my back yard !!!
Hello to all!
Well, to those who have followed my little website and watched it grow over the years.. probably not many of you know that the first area that I ever dug is actually in my back yard... I am one of the lucky ones with a camp in my back yard! Whoopee Me!
Ok.. This is a story right outta a little book.. sounds that way anyway.. I did my walk in the back today after I got home from grocery shopping.. and the mowing my yard ..
I walked out back to see what, if anything, washed out.. THis was SO COOL! Just like in a movie I suppose!!!
There is one little hole under a few small tree's .. Probably from a armadillo is what hall's tells me.. There was that little pile of dirt there from where the little thing made a hole... The rain washed the dirt out of the pile and left only the little rocks and chunks of limestone..