Hi everyone! My name is Scott Chatelain from Montpelier, Louisiana. I enjoy surface hunting for points. I have a farm with some (cutover timber)on it. At one of my foodplot locations where I disk to plant, I have found about 10 points. Some are broke(I think during manufacture). I say this because I also find flakes in the same location. I have disked this a number of times and looked after the rains. It is now at the point that I dont find anything. I have never dug before and was woundering what you think I should do. I also hunt just down the road from my house and recently disked a section on that property and have found numerous flakes, 2 whole points and 2 broken points. It is getting tough to see cause the grass is growing pretty fast. I want to chop it up again this weekend and let it rain more on it. I had only chopped up part of the spot. This area has been disked in the pass so it is not virgin land. Any ideas will help. Thanks Scott
Thanks everyone for the info. I did disk up that area this past weekend. It is raining now so I cant wait to get out there and look. I will try to get some pic, it may take me a while to post them. I have no internet at home. The look of the area is small rolling hills (small). It is the natural lay of the land. Both locations where I have found points are at the top of a hill. I have also found what looks to me like preforms, (could just be scrapers?). There are no large rocks here, so all the stuff I find is small. 2 inches or smaller. It is made from the local gravel. There are signs of heat treatment to the points and flakes. Most of the natural gravel is yellow but turns to red when heated. I will be out of town for the weekend. Going to Oklahoma at a friends ranch to Turkey hunt and of course surface hunt. I usually find 2 or 3 points there every year. Wish me luck! I will post when I get back and let you know what I find. By the way, I have found a couple pieces of pottery on my property. May need to dig down and see what is around. The ground is all dirt (no rocks to dig through). Thanks, Scott.