At a small campsite on a 20 foot bluff bordering a creek, I have found lots of points and tools over the years. I have even found points in the dirt wall of the bluff. However, I never find anything at the base of the bluff or in the creek. The creek runs continuous and is clear. It is about 15 feet wide and anywhere from 6 inches deep to 5 feet deep in places along a 300 yard path. It is rocky in the creek and sometimes it runs very swiftly. I would think over thousands of years, many points would have washed into the creek to be found. Most of the points are 1-2 inches. Any thoughts on why I am not finding them? Private land so I am the only hunter. Creek is in Kerr county Texas.
Scott,the way you tell the story tells the story of that and similar locales. Finding pieces on the banks being washed out is the "normal" process but once it actually falls close to the water channel, you better be there quick, its not gold so its not going to seek a deeper home. The recent rains and I think it was in 02 in Kerr Co area the deluges turn those 6 inch deep into a massive conveyor belt heading for the gulf of mexico. Your area is good indian country so some of the points you have found in the "vicinity" of your camp might actually be from miles upstream. But what is similar to gold is that if you find a flake or two, you know it came from upstream so keep following back and you might find another camp or two. SH
Creek hunting in central TX is much different than creek hunting up in north east TX where I'm from.
Creek beds are smooth (limestone) to rocky and the water really gets to flowing good when there's a good rain. Points wash waaaaaaay out. I haven't had much luck creek hunting here myself.
But back up in north east TX where the terrain is incredibly different. creek hunting is really good. There's no limestone. There's way more dirt and clay. Rocks fall to the bottom and creek and usually stay there because of the dirt and mud.