Hope everyone is doing good!!!! Its my BUSY work season.. No play time 8(
Just wabted to pop in for a hello to all
You guys need to help me out here and post some finds!! I am jonesin' here!!! I gotta see some points!!
Between my allergies and clogged ears for 2 weeks now... Its my busy season here at the Lake... I get off work .. go home and couch myself... and do it all week long!
Its busy.. BUT ITS ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!! After Laborday.. Everyone goes home and dosent' bother be for MONTHS!!!!!! Woo Hoooooo!!! Diggin time again!
Anyway.. In the mean time.. Post some finds or email them to me so I can put them on them on the front page and drewl on them ..
Re: Hope everyone is doing good!!!! Its my BUSY work season.. No play time 8(
hello michelle, i've been busy myself. not mutch time for any thing. i will be creekin some where this weekend i,ll post what i find.i got the point restored that my wife found by dr. gomer it looks great,could'nt tell it was broken.he done a good job i'll post it soon.let me know if you go back to randys would like to dig with you and hal again.i made the tools hal showed me and some tarps.dying to dig again.
good diggin
roy fails
ps :is hs hal on the message board?
Re: Hope everyone is doing good!!!! Its my BUSY work season.. No play time 8(
Here I am Roy. Good deal on the monster fix. Now instead of two pieces worth $1.49 each, you have a $500+ memory! Ref dig tools.....I once made a custom set for a very old diggin buddy.....He immediatly retired from digging. Now his wife has the finest gardening tools in his area! I'm ready for the next dig rat now. Practically as I am typing I see Michelle has updated the front page with MY major find. Until that third picture it was looking like an early archaic blade from hell. regards SH