I wouldnt care to specify types, but I can apreciate an almost unbelievable knapping talent on that skinny brown speciman. Paleo,colateral flaking is a delight but "no flaking" thats in a class alone. Whatever it may be you might consider a gold edged frame. Nice collection....SH
Here's another thought for that top flakeless blade. Clue one is your other input of Sept 18, "couple more". theres a box of goodies from an "oil field worker". That means he's been all over the globe, look at the rock pitons from the ALPS! I got to checking other zones away from TX. Maybe its an Eden "type". That unique quality flaking is very evident on most examples. Check EDEN in the money book....Northern high plains [NP] and north central [NC] If it is EARLY archaic thats a plus.
Re bonham point. I never looked at sabina which does state southern Tx and the bonny North by north east, pity, By size my sabinal is $5.00 less than the same size Bonh, There goes Sam's Coke !