In surface hunting for many years, I've found for every five broken points I have found, I'll find one perfect or near point. I was wondering what the ratio was when digging for points? Would like to know what you diggers think. Good hunting to all. John G.
John, really good question, having been a buyer instead of a digger I have to rely on the word of other people, but from what I've seen on this site the ratio is about the same...however, you have a better chance of finding a cache site and finding a large amount of intacts or nears as a digger.
What an interesting subject, bringing the exacting dicipline of mathmatics to a hobby !!!!! In the world of digging [ vs surface ] I have done the home work. Counted every worked piece then get the average. About four sites worked out to 20 % I can remember two sites where it was 50 %. The difference is terrific !! There is a secondary statisic that almost automatically appears....How many worked pieces per DAY/HOUR ?? Say walking home with 8 pieces after moving rock for 8 hours and 20 % of those MIGHT be near complete,,, thats a lot of time spent NOT FINDING. For a good area [ known as a hot spot ] That good warm feeling amounts to one worked piece EVERY SIX MINUTES.
All the calculations though are just an exercice.....ONE SINGLE WORKED PIECES IN AN EIGHT HOUR DAY CAN BE GREAT... Like a CORNER TANG KNIFE.
I find about 1 unbroken point for every 3 brokes and for every 3 unbroken points i find a real nice one, surface hunting a lake. I had a island site that was giving me about 1 point a hour and most were unbroken and exceptional quality but its 10 feet under water now.