Started diggng this weekend. Found 11 complete manos and one point. The area gives up alot of flint tools on the surface.My test holes did kinda take up more time than I had but i just couldnt stop when those flat half rounded tools came out of the ground. Is this common? Should I just keep digging In all directions. And heck how deep? I am down 18-20 inches. Does any one have some helpful ideas or am i just digging in an old kitchen?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Leonard, I'd say that many manos with some modest digging is unique. "Reading" the soil and finds is all part of the game,check out this reading [of mine].
About 6 months ago we were digging upslope from a camp. Found 2 big mettates, several complete nice manos and a number of broken mano. It was such a good area for points we were delighted....Our " reading "....The metates and mano is undeniable proof the girls were in this area doing their thing.
So when the boys came home from a tough day at the office, they naturally joined the gals to hear some soothing non business chatter. Whitteling a piece of wood had not yet been invented yet so they KNAPPED.
Within about a 15 foot radius of the metates, we found the MOST DELICATLY made Marshalls with tremendous long barbs. We figure that not only did they keep their hands occupied but they also were to impress somebody!!!!!!!!! AND we found them there because nobody keeps whittled wood [flint].
Well that long story may not help you but its better to find a kitchen than a pile of flakes made by a hunting party headed for another kitchen !! Keep digging, most of Texas has either a red soil base or OIL.
SH That sounds like we still have hope I have only found broken metates. Some of them fit together they are very worn 2 inches on the outside and in the center just under 1/2 inch. I will keep digging. And post more progress. Thanks for your reply