Here's some pictures (hopefully)of my finds from Camp Live Oak this last weekend.I've seen emails that said it was all dug up and even an email that said that there was not a mound there.I gotta tell you all that there is still a lot of stuff out there.You have to work harder now then when we first started digging there but it's still worth it.
Can somebody tell me what that one is between the kinney and perd?It was in the same hole as the perd and both are 4 1/4 inches long.
I never hear anyone saying that Camp Live Oak was dig out.. Sure dosen't look that way to me thats for sure!!!
GREAT stuff!!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for taking the time to figure out how to post pictures on here! I know its a pain, and thanks for your effort!!!!
Tim, From the photo, it looks very much like a nice square base Lange to me. I've got alot of them from our cave dig, and we are only 35 miles West of the camp live oak dig. Nice Finds!
Tim, Just got off the phone from booking the Waxahachie Show in Feb. with Harold Huges. He said that he was planning on going to camp live oak on the 24th, and is planning on visiting me also. He wanted to know if camp live oak was still good, so I referred him to your entry here. He was glad to hear it. I guess I'll have to try it myself since its only 35 miles away.
No pain here Michelle.It was easier then I thought.
Thanks Mike, I have showed it to a lot of people and nobody knew what it was exactly.
They are great people out there.Everybody we met digging out there has been a pleasure to be around also.Thanks for the input.